Archive: Modify Hosts file by NSIS 2.00

Modify Hosts file by NSIS 2.00
Hi All,

I just do a job to modify IP adresses in the hosts file.

I use a getwindowsversion function and after that, I use
a fileopen command like this :

A) For windows XP, NT, 2000:

FileOpen $1 $SYSDIR\drivers\etc\hosts r

B) And for 98,Me,95,etc... :

FileOpen $1 $WINDIR\HOSTS. r

All are OK for A) but the flagerror is set for B) just after the fileopen.

Who can help me, Please ?

Thanks a lot for your answers.

Make sure you clear the error flag before you use FileOpen. Use ClearErrors for this. If you don't do this, you might catch errors that happened before FileOpen.

Thanks a lot. It was exactly that !!!

It was due to a ReadRegStr command.
When the regkey isn't found, the target user variable is set to "", and the errorflag is set on too ....

Thanks again.