Archive: DllUnregisterServer

I created a simple installer using NSIS 2b3 and the MUI. It's one-section, very few options, though it does use custom pages and a custom DLL to do validation of those pages. It compiles OK, and tested perfectly on the machine I wrote it on.

I burned the installer onto a CD, then took it over to another computer. The computer was running a fresh installation of Windows NT 4.0 SP6. I popped the CD in, ran the installer, and it loaded and the custom pages ran fine. However, when it got to the actual installing section (when the progress bar shows up) it gave the following error message:
Could not find symbol DllUnregisterServer.

At this point the program stopped functioning and stole 99% of the computer's processing time.

The install script does update some system DLL's, so DllUnregisterServer probably should be called at some point during the script. However, all instances of UnRegDll in the script are after a series of File commands, so these files should get copied first. The error shows up before any files are copied.

Anyone know why this problem is arising?

Try using the latest CVS version. If that doesn't help, I'll need to see the script.

Known bugs in the latest CVS version:

All of the above are already fixed in my local version and are uploaded in a thread called "new stuff" in the forum. If one them gets in your way, you can use the newstuff, carefully.