Archive: Uninstall information in Controllpanel

Uninstall information in Controllpanel
Ive created an installer that also inserts regekeys to show the installed program in the windown-control panel.

it works fine if im installing all section. But if im installing only the RO-Section it does not work.
The Reg-Keys are generated in the function .oninstsuccess.
Somehow the installtion appears not to be successfull by only installing the default section...

Ive attached my Script...

Works fine for me. Make sure you check at the right time and not right after the file copying is finished. .onInstSuccess should be called after the finish page in your case. Put a message box in .onInstSuccess to make sure it's really not called. If it really doesn't, after all steps of the installer, try upgrading to latest CVS version.