Archive: IntOp Questions

IntOp Questions

IntOp $0 1 $1 0

IntOp don't support variables in the "operation" field. But the System Plugin does:

System::IntOp64 1 $1 0
Pop $0

IntOp $0 1 / 100

Result: 0
Right Result is: 0,01 or 0.01.

IntOp, nor System::IntOp64 support give results with comma (or dot).

Q) When will be implemented these in NSIS?

1) The compiler won't be able to verify the right number of parameters if the op string is processed.

2) See for an explanation.

1) I will continue using System Plugin.

2) It can be done, so will add it for "Advanced Integer Operation" Function, with a reduced support, in some weeks. (And rename it to "Advanced Mathematical Operation", good?)

Math::Script "r0 = 1.0 / 100"
DetailPrint "$0"

will give you right result. If you like you could format it with ff():
Math::Script "result = 1.0 / 100; r0 = ff(result, 16+2)"

16 - no exponential view, 2 - 2 digits precision (after decimal point)