Archive: how to become an administrator?

how to become an administrator?
I want to present a dialog box "Run this program as administrator"
typical in recent installers I have seen
if the user doesn't have administrative rights.

Is there a way to do so with NSIS?


Have you got an example where this can be seen?

I thought this was going to be I want to be a moderator threads but going whole hog for Administartor status. :) ....but it wasn't.:(

Sorry for derailing posts in your forum kichik. Here have a cake and soem cookies. You are always hungry I seem to remember. :)

That's a Windows XP feature, I think it's based on the filename (setup, installer), you should check MSDN.

Thanks for info.

Related question:
assuming that the user has administrative rights,
is it possible to start a Windows service in NSIS?


an example where this can be seen:

create a regular user (PowerUsers group) and log in as that user.
Then run MS Office installer.

To start Windows services use Sunjammer's services plug-in from the archive's download page. See

Or on 2K/XP (& NT?) just use exec the "net" command, e.g. "net start servicename".