Archive: use SetCurInstType

use SetCurInstType

I've a problem with SetCurInstType. It doesn't set the InstType-index.

It's used in a Function and called by

Function SelectFromCMDLINE

Call GetParameters
Pop $0
GetCurInstType $5
StrCmp $0 "-offline" offlineup
MessageBox MB_OK "Offlineparameter nicht gefunden ($5)"
Goto +3
SetCurInstType 2
MessageBox MB_OK "Offlineparameter gefunden ($5)"


I don't know. Please help me.


Works fine for me. You can't jump over SetCurInstType using relative jumps, use a label. Also make sure you are using the correct InstType index, it's zero based unlike SectionIn.


I will try with a label. I don't really understand the zero-based-format. My InstTypes are:

InstType "Online(Standard-Server)"
InstType "Offline/LAN"
InstType /LANG=1031 /CUSTOMSTRING=Online(Alternativ-Server)

What is the zero based value for the second type?


OK, I understand, now. The Installer works fine.

Bye timecop

*NSIS rocks*