Archive: MUI Frustration

MUI Frustration
I have created a number of NSIS installers. I have attempted to use the Modern UI a number of times now, with increasing frustration.

I realise that the examples don't match the currently available code, and I need to do a CVS update (Gawd, it's SLOOOW). I then attempt to compile, and I get the following error:

Error: resolving pre-page function "un.mui.ConfirmPre" in uninstall pages

I don't want custom functions! I just want my darned installer to work, and I've gotten increasingly frustrated with this. Here's my page macros:

!insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English"



;Page custom GetDVAInfo "" ": Information"
!insertMacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH


Why is it looking for a callback function???????

Tired, and frustrated,

Assuming you haven't updated only some files the examples in the Examples directory and the readme in Contrib\Modern UI do match the version of the MUI you're running. Follow them and you should get no errors.

The examples and documentation online match only the latest CVS version. Don't use them unless you're using the latest CVS version.

Originally posted by kichik
Assuming you haven't updated only some files the examples in the Examples directory and the readme in Contrib\Modern UI do match the version of the MUI you're running. Follow them and you should get no errors.
I don't think they match. I tried to compile Basic.nsi and it failed just now as well. The CVS Update failed to bring down MUI's 1.65 System.nsh, so I had to grab it manually using the HTTP interface.

Why am I getting the error message originally?


You can't grab just one file. If CVS fails use the snapshot from The error you're getting is the result of this, probably because the unmatched examples are missing some defines the old System.nsh expects.

And you should put the langauge macro after the pages (see Readme).

Originally posted by kichik
You can't grab just one file. If CVS fails use the snapshot from The error you're getting is the result of this, probably because the unmatched examples are missing some defines the old System.nsh expects.
The NSIS Update file, after a clean install (nuked the entire NSIS directory) gets a failure on the default CVS hostname; I updated the file to point to and and got a failure to connect error.

Guys, if the documentation bears little to no resemblance to the currently available code on the site, how difficult would it be to make a beta 4 to make this accessible to the rest of us who want a simple working product (the reasons why we, well at least myself) were attracteed to NSIS in the first place?

It starting to seem to me like this whole MUI bit is more trouble than it's worth. It's a shame, but I'm getting nowhere fast.


Originally posted by Mad Doggie
The NSIS Update file, after a clean install (nuked the entire NSIS directory) gets a failure on the default CVS hostname; I updated the file to point to and and got a failure to connect error.
To be fair to everyone, it seems to be downloading now, but now I'm getting a "no space left on device" (my drive has 1.4GB free).



Originally posted by Mad Doggie
To be fair to everyone, it seems to be downloading now, but now I'm getting a "no space left on device" (my drive has 1.4GB free).
And now it seems to work again. There's got to be a more reliable distribution method.

OK, I think all is going now. MAKENSIS gave me an error, but it's based on my settings, so back to work.

Thanks guys, for your help, but my earlier comments still stand. I *really* think that a Beta4 is in order here. There are a large number of us who want something working with a minimum of fuss. The changes with MUI seem sufficiently large that a beta release is in order, or at least a build snapshot that folks can start with.



See for information about CVS troubles. As I've said, if CVS fails use the snapshot from

As for beta 4 release, soon. The documentation needs updating.

The changes with MUI seem sufficiently large that a beta release is in order, or at least a build snapshot that folks can start with.
You ain't seen nothing yet ;)
See this thread for more information about what's coming in beta 4.

Beta 3 includes the Modern UI Readme and all documentation that applies to the beta 3 release. If you want to use beta 3, check the included documentation for Modern UI 1.63.

Many people on the forum are using the latest development snapshot (because they are following the development). That means that when people are discussing features of the latest snapshot, you won't always be able to use the same code for your beta 3 scripts.

NSIS Update grabs the latest files from the SourceForge CVS server. Because SF has some troubles with the CVS server, you could get some problems until they have new hardware for the servers (should be soon).

We create a new release every few months. A release has been tested a lot better and includes a finished set of new features and changes. As kichik said, a lot will change in Beta 4 and it should be ready soon.