Archive: Destination folder

Destination folder
Is it possible to show the destination folder, but have it as read-only, so the use can see where its going but can't change it?

Well, on a Modern UI instfiles page, you can
!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Installing..." "To $INSTDIR"
inside a Section.

There are many places that you can place $INSTDIR, but this is probably best, so that it will show during file extraction.


Cheers Stu :)
That'll Do

You should place it in a section above all the others so that it is called first:

!insertmacro MUI_HEADER_TEXT "Installing..." "To $INSTDIR"

..proceeding sections...


Sorted another way of doing it, but thanks

!define MUI_TEXT_INSTALLING_SUBTITLE "Please wait while ${MUI_PRODUCT} is installed to $INSTDIR"

Works fine also and doesn't have to be in a section

dont know if this is what you want but you can also do
!define INSTDIR c:\yourdir
so the package is installed in that dir nomather what the users choice is

That won't work unless you change every instance of $INSTDIR to ${INSTDIR}. It's simpler to just not show the directory page.

Originally posted by mancini
dont know if this is what you want but you can also do
!define INSTDIR c:\yourdir
so the package is installed in that dir nomather what the users choice is
I doubt I could do that anyhow as my setup gets the installation directory from the registry

Just thought it would have been a nice idea to show, to which dir it was being installed too

Anyhow the solution reffered to above works fine for me

i see
you could also use

DirShow hide
DirText ""

in order to prevent the dir chosing dialog