Archive: automatic files management

automatic files management
well basically i have to make a installer for a package with over 10000 files and 5000 directories

and from wht i have seen to date it seems imposible because i would have to write each file/dir to be copied/created by hand

is there a posiblity to do this automatically ?
if so how

You can extract an entire directory and create all the files and and subdirectories using the File /r command.

i was hoping this would be the cause
i use "File /r C:\sourcedir\*.*" now and works like a charm

however i have a problem with this function i made

; GetGetOs
; Returns on top of stack
; Windows Version (NT, 9X)
; Usage:
; Call GetOs
;at this point $R0 is "NT" or "9X"

Function GetOs
Push $R0
ReadRegStr $R0 HKLM \
"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" CurrentVersion
IfErrors lbl_win9x lbl_winnt

StrCpy $R0 "NT"
Goto lbl_done

StrCpy $R0 "9X"
Goto lbl_done

Exch $R0

even when i put
Call GetOs
Push $R0
oninit i stil get a empty $R0 var

It should be Pop $R0, not Push $R0.

thanks guys
you are so fast in replies
nsis is great

now i want to create difetent sections depending on the value of $R0
can i do this ?
!ifdef R0 = "NT" does not seem to work and i dont think it should either

It shouldn't. !ifdef is a compile time directive. Just use StrCmp to execute the right part of the code from the section.

yea sure .. but how
when i use

Function services
StrCmp $R0 "9X" go_9x go_nt
StrCmp $R0 "NT" go_nt go_9x

Goto done
SubSection "Create autostarting services"
Section "Create Apache Service"
Section "Create Mysql Service"
Section "Create Xmail Service"
Section "Create Slimftpd Service"

Goto done


it gives a error about section in function

Sorry, thought you wanted one section to execute different codes. To hide a section use SectionSetText with an empty string. To show a hidden section (defined using Section "" or Section "-name that's not used") use SectionSetText with the name you want shown. Do this in .onInit and you'll have different sections the user can select from in Windows 9x and NT.

yes but from what i read it seems that hidden sections are automatically executed
i want a section to be visible under NT and the user be able to change it but i dont want that section at all under win9x

Then unselect them using SectionSetFlags or just skip them using a simple StrCmp on the top of thier code.