Archive: services management / shell comands

services management / shell comands
ar you guys aware of any methods of creating/managing services besides the services plugin for nsis ?

also can i somehow execute shell commands from with in a script ?
and wait for them to finish
like "net stop" , "net start" etc ?

does anyone have these service tools on their windowsNT ?
Netsvc.exe ,Instsrv.exe ,Sc.exe and Srvinstw.exe

To execute net stop, net start, etc. use Exec, ExecWait, ExecShell or nsExec. First 3 are built-in commands, last one is a plug-in. nsExec's readme is in Contrib\nsExec.

If your application isn't built as a service, FireDaemon may help.

I am using ExecWait for a few reasons...(1)it waits (duh) (2)it also returns a value for the result of the call and I can shove that in the install.log