Archive: progress window on uninstaller

progress window on uninstaller
i think i seen this done where it shows the things that it uninstalls

how is that done ?

maybe i havent explained myself too well

i seen some nsis uninstallers that when executed show a list of the things being uninstalled and a progress bar

anybody understands what i mean ?

can anyone give me any help on how to do that ?

It does show the progress by default.

yes but it ain't showing the list of sections that are being uninstalled isn't it ... by default that is

That can be done in the latest CVS version. In the latest CVS version you can add a components page to the uninstaller too. Create the sections that you want to show there (Section "un.Uninstall this"), insert the components page and you're good to go.

strange .. i thought i seen that on a installer some months ago

will those changes from the cvs you mentioned be in the nsis20 beta 4 ?

Yes, those changes will be in 2.0b4.

That old installer might have been using an InstallOptions page to emulate the components page. If you don't want to use the latest CVS version that's the solution for you.

im just not sure wich cvs version
do you mean

Revision 1.7 ?

NSIS.exe is the NSIS Menu. You can't download just parts of the latest CVS version, you have to download it all. See the development page for more information about the latest development verison. If you want to update, you should get the development snapshot.

like this ?

Section "un.Uninstall this"

i cant understand what the section should contain

you say insert the components page but the only insert thing in NSIS i know is insertmacro

i think im stuck

forthermore not even the uninstall progress window shows now

I have the following pages :

Page license
Page components
Page instfiles
UninstPage uninstConfirm
UninstPage instfiles

The section should contain whatever you want it to contain. If you want a section to uninstall a certain component, uninstall it in that section; if you want a section to delete some system files, delete the system files in that section; etc.

Insert that page depends on weather you're using the MUI or not. If you're using the MUI, see the MUI readme and examples. If you're not using the MUI use the normal Page and UninstPage commands or the new PageEx command.

As for the uninstall progress bar, you are probably using the MUI if that part doesn't work. If you're not using the MUI, make sure you don't have any other UninstPage commands floating around.

i can use : SubSection "un.Uninstall ${NAME}" then ?

no i am not using the modern interface

and i had SilentUnInstall silent .. my bad

Yes, you can use SubSections in the uninstaller.

well i get

SubSection un.Uninstall Apache2Triad
Section: "stop services"
Error: Can't create installer section in uninstaller subsection (use SubSectionEnd first)
Error in script "C:\1\triad.nsi" on line 310 -- aborting creation process
altrough the subsection preceding it is closed like you see

As the error says, you can't create installer section in uninstall SubSection. The section must have the un. prefix too.

hmmm .. i think i havent explained myself too good this time either...
i wanted that on the UninstPage instfiles window , section names to show, instead of the actuall commands executed by the uninstaller

ex :

SubSection "un.Uninstall ${NAME}"
Section "un.Uninstall Stoping services"
ExecWait '"net stop" Apache2'
Section "un.Uninstall Removing files"
RMDir /r "${DIR}"
Section "un.Uninstall Removing paths"
Push "C:\apache2\bin"
Call un.RemoveFromPath

Stoping services , Removing files , Removing paths to show intead of Execute: "net stop" Apache2 , Remove folder: c:\apache2 ..etc

Uninstallshield like .. the progress bar moves while checkboxes are put in front of the coresponding "section name" string

is this posible ?

oh and sorry for bugging you so much about it .. it would just be quite nice if it was posible .. if not .. well thats life

Well, that's a different story then... You can create your own UI that has place to put this. The original version of NSIS Update had something similar going on. If you have the time and the will, contact Techkid or create it yourself.

ok thanks .. ill also try and find again the installer that i seen this done on and contact the people behind it