English text in German install
I've just grabbed the CVS snapshot from today (Sat, 06 Sep 2003, 07:44:14 GMT) because I was having problems with the beta on the downloads page not detecting the Windows system language (the latest CVS fixes this).
The problem that I am having now is that using Modern UI, all of my language installs have some English text that I can't replace. As you can see from the example jpg (first screen of MultiLanguage.nsi), most of the text is in German except:
"Check the component that you wish to install and uncheck the components that you don't want to install. Click Next to continue"
This is similar on other pages.
This text seems to be represented in $NSISDIR\Contrib\Modern UI\Language files\German.nsh as MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_TOP:
"Wählen Sie die Komponenten aus, die Sie installieren möchten und wählen Sie diejenigen ab, die Sie nicht installieren wollen."
But this text never shows up in the installer. Strangely there is no MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_TOP in the English.nsh.
This text (or something similar) does appear in $NSISDIR\Contrib\Language files\English.nlf on line 87 under # ^ComponentsText, but editing this doesn't cause any change in the install, so I am assuming that it's not being read from there. I assume it is being written directly from lang.cpp.
Can someone tell me if this is a known bug? Is it being worked on? Or has the MUI_INNERTEXT_COMPONENTS_TOP simply changed to something else?
Part of my confusion may be because I don't really understand the relationshop between German.nsh and German.nlf when using Modern UI.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!