Archive: Pages and sections doesn't work for me (N00B)

Pages and sections doesn't work for me (N00B)
Could someone please tell me why me sections dont show when I use pages in combination with branding.

I just started using NSIS and a a bit of a beginner.

THx a lot

AddBrandingImage left 100

; Pages
Page license licenseImage
Page custom customPage
Page directory dirImage
Page instfiles instImage

; The text to prompt the user to enter a directory
DirText "Choose a directory to install in to:"


Section "VHL-Codecpak (required)"

SectionIn RO

; Set output path to the installation directory.



Function licenseImage
!insertmacro BIMAGE "sidebar.bmp" ""

Function customPage
!insertmacro BIMAGE "sidebar.bmp" ""

Function dirImage
!insertmacro BIMAGE "sidebar.bmp" ""

Function instImage
!insertmacro BIMAGE "sidebar.bmp" ""


I assume you mean that your installer doesn't show a components page. If that's right, then the problem is that you didn't add "Page components".

Ok thank you very much.

That seemed to be the problem