Archive: Single quotes in a reg string

Single quotes in a reg string
I am trying to write a reg key but there are single quotes in the variable which will not let me write the string out correctly.

Here is an example.

WriteRegStr HKLM "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\UserData\S-1-5-18\Products\2970B0FF7E6F72648B02AE0516E722B3\Features" "DictionariesPP" `EAqES@IBg(D%UeACl~AI'N7UcI-C`A25._@IrR`vQuarkXPress`

I am trying to write this and the 4th variable has single quotes and ticks in the string. Is there a way to make it ignore the things within the string.

Pretty much write this out without getting error.

Thanks in advance

What is exactly the problem? Doesn't your script compile?

See the chapter in the documentation about the script format.

Put double-quotes round the last part, like this


No, it tells me that there are to many variables when it is expecting 4.

That doesn't always work. Some times it thinks that the ' marks make it more than one variable even though i want it as one string.

What i am looking for is a command that will be something that makes NSIS see what is between two things like `something"like"'this'`but it looks at the text in the middle no matter what format and see it as a string. So it would put the text in the registry as


I hope this makes sense.

When I tried using "`EAqES@IBg(D%UeACl~AI'N7UcI-C`A25._@IrR`vQuarkXPress`" in a WriteRegStr command,
the installer stored the following in the registry


I thought that was what you were trying to do

Are you sure that reg value is not of type REG_BINARY? If it is, you must use WriteRegBin.