Archive: Clicking on section's text shouldn't toggle checkbox

Clicking on section's text shouldn't toggle checkbox

I personally think it's rather irritating that when clicking on a section's text, the checkbox is toggled. I would prefer that you have to explicitly click on a checkbox to toggle its state. I think this behaviour is normal. Many other installers, like Installshield and WISE, and also most other Windows software do it like that.

In fact I would also prefer that the section's description would only be displayed when a section's text is selected and not on a mouse-over event.

Does anybody agree with me? And can this be easily implemented in NSIS?


Leon Zandman

Checking a variety of applications, all of them toggle the check-box when clicking the text. (Word, VB, C++, Windows XP options...). Haven't checked the installers you mention, but following the 'standard' windows behaviour is probably the best way to go, and probably why no-one has mentioned it before.


Poll added.

Thanx for adding the poll :)

As for the behaviour of other installers. I have seen several installers that only update the section descriptions when you explicitly click on a section (not the checkboxes). So the descriptions don't change when you hover your mouse over the section text. They only changed when a section was highlighted.

I personally favour this behaviour, because it is similar to the way an NSIS installer works when you work keyboard-only. And when you have several (sub)sections I find it quite frustrating that clicking on the section's text not only expands the section-tree, but also (de)selects it.

But maybe it's just a matter of personal preference, so maybe it should be optional :rolleyes:

Care to add a feature request on the SF project page so it would be easier to track?

Added NSIS_CONFIG_COMPONENTPAGE_ALTERNATIVE to config.h in the latest CVS version.