Archive: DLL version information

DLL version information

I am using GetDLLVersion to retrieve the version of DLLs.

Can anyone tell me, how reliable this information is?
Where in the DLL file is the version number stored and
does anyone know how it is set in the first place?

Any help is appreciated (I googled the web and searched
on the MS website but couldn't find any useful information



This information is saved as a resource of the EXE/DLL. It is usually compiled when the program itself is compiled and linked to the EXE/DLL. It's supposed to be from the developer, but it's not too hard to change this information, all you need is a resource editor. As for the reliability of it, it's up to you to decide on that.

Thanks for the fast answer!

Can you name such a (if possible free) resource editor?

Resource Hacker.