Archive: Registering a DCOM exe...??

Registering a DCOM exe...??
how to register a executable using DCom technology
in DOS, we use Regserver command..
for the DLL, we use RegDLL...but for exe????

thanks for your help..

Isn't it self registering, e.g. exename /RegServer ?

right..I forgot..we must execute it to register itself..
but with which command can we do it ??

Use ExecWait. e.g.:

ExecWait "MyServer.exe /regserver"


Exec, ExecWait, ExecShell: These are NSIS commands and are documented in the help (either with NSIS you downloaded or you can view the most upto-date CVS specific latest copy here).
nsExec::Exec, nsExec::ExecToLog, nsExec::ExecToStack: These are plugin functions of the nsExec plugin which is documented in your contrib/nsExec/nsExec.txt file.