15th September 2003 17:31 UTC
UpgradeDll Macro Does Not Compile
I am trying to use the UpgradeDll macro in a script, but at compile time I get this error:
GetTempFileName expects 1 parameters, got 2.
Usage: GetTempFileName $(user_var: name output)
Error in macro UpgradeDll on macroline 43
How can I fix this?
Joost Verburg
15th September 2003 17:57 UTC
You are probably using the latest UpgradeDLL version from the archive and an older NSIS version. Get the latest development snapshot at http://nsis.sf.net
15th September 2003 18:15 UTC
I'm using 20b3. I don't have a c compiler, so the snapshot is not an option for me. Is there anything else I can do except wait?
Joost Verburg
15th September 2003 18:22 UTC
The snapshot includes a compiled version.
You can use the version from the beta 3 docs, but the new one is better.
15th September 2003 18:48 UTC
Some progress, but now the compiler complains that:
!insertmacro: macro named "MUI_PAGECOMMAND_WELCOME" not found!
Is there a doc that specifies what has been changed in 2.04b?
Joost Verburg
15th September 2003 18:52 UTC
Please read the Modern UI Readme, you will have to change your script. There have been a lot of topics about this issue.