Archive: NAME in string question

NAME in string question
{MUI_PRODUCT} has been removed from the latest version, and we are meant to use NAME instead. However, I figure out how I am supposed to use NAME in say the text string for a dialog box. I have tried ${NAME}, but it just prints out literally.

What am I doing wrong?


Use $(^Name).

OK, that worked, now can you show me how to devine "CAPTION" as NAME + VERSION, as in this:

Name "My App"
!define $Version "v. 1.0"
Caption ???



Caption "$(^Name) ${VERSION}"

Nothing special there.

Except that it doesn't work, it gets me:


in the dialog caption

That define you used is wrong. It defines ${$version} as that version. I doubt that's what you wanted. Remove that extra dollar sign in the !define line.

Yes, that did it. Thanks.