Archive: Lastest Development Build bug

Lastest Development Build bug
in the lastest build nsis, if experienced the following error:

!define: "MUI_UNTEXT_LICENSE_TITLE" already defined!

if I compile for more than one language. Even the MUI example script multilanguage.nsi doesn't work. The error message is here the following:

!define: "MUI_TEXT_WELCOME_INFO_TITLE" already defined!
!include: error in script: "C:\NSIS\Contrib\Modern UI\Language files\French.nsh" on line 13
Error in macro MUI_LANGUAGE on macroline 5
Error in script "C:\NSIS\Examples\Modern UI\MultiLanguage.nsi" on line 47 -- aborting creation process

Please fix it.
Thanks Konrad

I'll fix these issues.

When customizing texts, you have to use the new system:

Multilangauge.nsi doensn't work because some language files are outdated. We are still waiting for the translators.

All issues with multiple languages have been fixed. Please get the latest development version.