Archive: Slashconvert in a file ???

Slashconvert in a file ???
Dear Community and the rest of the others :-)

I need some help with the slash-2-Backslash-Converter which can be faound at the archive (here )

What I want to do is: open one file, replace all slashes with a backslash and close it again. How can I achieve this goal? The shipped comment isn't very helpful for me ...

Thx in advance

Thx Joost, but

I think this won't fits my needs.... I use this function extensive for replcements of an entire line, not for convert one single sign.

The problem is, that this file is already parsed through this function to set installation path. The install path is written like C:\path\to\app\ and I need it to be C:/path/to/app/. So I don't even know the exact path.

The idea is to go throuh a file and change all "\" to "/", and this would work, because these are the only "\" in this file...


There are two functions on the archive that will do what you need:
More advanced replace text in file

The one that Joost refers to replaces whole lines.
