Archive: Executing a setup.exe with options

Executing a setup.exe with options
I have this requirement
I have a folder called wecm that has a setup.exe file
The wecm folder is in INSTDIR
INSTDIR points to c:\temp
Now the wecm folder also has a file called setup.iss

This is the command I need to execute
setup.exe -f1c:\temp\wecm\setup.iss

I am new to this and hence need help.
Will this line work ?

StrCpy $R0 "${INSTDIR}\wecm\setup.exe -f1${INSTDIR}\wecm\setup.iss" 0
Exec $R0

Thanks for the help.

Exec "$\"$INSTDIR\wecm\setup.exe$\" $\"-f1${INSTDIR}\wecm\setup.iss$\""

$\" is the same as a quote, but escapes the surrounding quotes.
$INSTDIR is the directory set from the components page, or can be set with StrCpy and a number of other ways.
