Archive: Mui_abortwarning


During installation I request the user to change CD Roms several
I check if the correct CD is in the drive as follows:

<-- snip -->
IfFileExists "$EXEDIR/" "unzip" "message"

MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL "Please insert the CD 1" IDOK checkIfFileExists
Call cancelInstallation
Goto checkIfFileExists
<-- snip -->

I have tried to avoid using my own "cancelInstallation" function by
replacing "Call cancelInstallation" with
"!insertmacro MUI_ABORTWARNING". The correct function is displayed but when I do not abort the installation, the installer does not go back to "checkIfFileExists" and seems to sort of hang (nothing happens, the progress bar windows is displayed (no progress) and I have to cancel the installer.

Is there a way I could use the predefined abort message?

Thanks for the help,


The Modern UI displays this abort warning after a user has clicked on the Cancel button, therefore is calls Abort to go back.

You should add your own messagebox and use Quit to close the installer.

I have implemented my own message box but thought it might be
better to use the one already available.
My message box displays the same text and options as

I still don't understand the following:
If I use
in my sections, why doesn't the installer continue correctly
if I resume the installation and do not abort?

Because this macro is used in the abort function, it calls Abort.