Archive: asking for 2 directories

asking for 2 directories

me again with some silly questions:

a) How can I produce two "wizzard-like" pages for requesting the user to browse for a directory which I can put to user-variables?

b) Is there another possibility (more nifty) to set system variables in windows (like the command "set VARIABLE=TOVALUE") which will be used while the installer is running?
Or shall I execute the "set" command?

Thank you for your help

StrCpy $0 hello
$0 = hello

See the documentation on user vairiables, and creating new variables.
Also check out the syntaxes for StrCpy, StrCmp and other string functions.

Use InstallOptions (in Contrib\InstallOptions) to create custom dialogs with directory inputs.

I'm not sure, but it may be possible to have two directory pages in latest NSIS CVS, and you can use
StrCpy $R0 $INSTDIR, StrCpy $R1 $INSTDIR to store the different directory paths in the leave functions of both pages.


In the latest CVS version just insert the directory page macro twice and use MUI_DIRECTORYPAGE_VARIABLE before one of them to define a different variable into which the directory will be saved.

The Archvie contains some functions that can help you set environment variables. Simply search for "environment" and you'd find what you need.

First of all, thanks for your help. I really made a major step to my goal. But I recognized, that I got a problem with the System/User Variables . So I have a question that don't rely on NSIS, but maybe someone of you could help me:

Is it possible to set a System/User Variable, which normaly would by set by Start->System Properties->System->Environment (on Win2k) without having to logout and login again, in order to aktivate this System/User Variable?
Something of rereading the Registry regarding "Environment" without leaving the current Windows(NT)-Session?

Thanks for your help!

Cheers Michael

There is a function in the Archive that does exactly that. Just search for "environment" in there and you should about 4 related pages.

Sorry for my silliness. I just read only one of your articles.
The other article helped me to solve my problem.

Again, sorry. And please, don't hit me....
Thanks for the great support!

Cheers Michael