dialog background color?
How do you change the dialog background color. I have tried a fiew options but cannot get it to work. I am using NSIS version 2 beta 3. I am also using the modern ui.
Archive: dialog background color?
dialog background color?
How do you change the dialog background color. I have tried a fiew options but cannot get it to work. I am using NSIS version 2 beta 3. I am also using the modern ui.
You can change the background color of the Welcome/Finish page using the MUI_BGCOLOR setting.
To change the background colors the window and other controls, use SetCtlColors in your custom GUIInit function and custom page show functions.
I have tried this:
Function myGUIInit
FindWindow $0 "#32770" "" $HWNDPARENT
GetDlgItem $0 $0 1019
SetCtlColors $0 FF0000 00FF00
at compile time I get:
Invalid command: SetCtlColors
and it fails to compile
Maybe you have an old version of NSIS. Try update your NSIS using NSIS Update, or getting the Development Snapshot.
[EDIT]You will found the Deveploment Snapshot here[/EDIT]