Archive: Caption with localized installer bug?

Caption with localized installer bug?

I have a small issue. I am building german/polish/french installers and as soon as I use the Caption instruction, then no text appears in the installer at all (except the pure english strings). If I do not use the Caption instruction all is OK. I am using Beta 3.

It's okay for me because it was a mistake to use this Caption instruction but just thought I should reply.

Thanks for this GREAT installer!


This could be a b3 problem.
The latest CVS won't have any of these problems, and if it does, then they can be repaired.

b3 is final and is no-longer worked on.

If you wish to get hold of CVS NSIS 2.0b4 (recommended) go to


Make sure you have not missed a /LANG parameter or something like that.