Archive: HM NIS Edit 2.0b3

HM NIS Edit 2.0b3
Hello! now is available the HM NIS Edit 2.0b3 the main changes are
Wizard support for MUI 1.66 and plugins support, now you can create dll plugins for add more wizards or functionality to the editor. To learn how to create plugins seek for example plugins in $INSTDIR\Plugins\ExDll (default C:\Program files\HMSoft\NIS Edit\Plugins\ExDll) C and Delphi examples are available.

Download HM NIS Edit:

NOTE: if you get a message in spanish that say "¡Lo sentimos! este
sitio está temporalmente inaccesible." this means that many people is trying to access the page at the same time, please try later. :(

You know all the OS it works? I tried it on my computer and it doesn't work, using the Win 95.

Just a little suggestion: I think that having an option to display HTML files, Help and Web Pages, in the system default browser or at least a seperate window would be helpfull.

Vytautas :D

Some suggestions:

* Always put ... after menu items that open new windows (like Open)

InstallOptions editor:

* Option for tab-order (Field number) setting
* Some descriptions for the INI values
* Options to configure the grid
* Display dialog size for Classic/Modern UI

this is the best editor for nsis (my opinion)...

but it does not have folding option (like vb for example)

i have large scripts and i think not only me. this is a "must have" option.

thank you. great editor.

and a option to disable the splash screen :)

thats the best editor for nsis available :)

Some more suggestions:

In Syntax.ini:

* Move SetOutPath from "Reserved word" to "Function". This is a run-time instruction.
* Move LoadLanguageFile, LangString, LangStringUP and AllowSkipFiles from "Function" to "Reserved word". These are acted upon at compile-time.

In CmpParsing.ini:

* "AbortigProcess" - should this be "AbortingProcess"? Or is the spelling mistake in the source code too? :)

InstallOptions designer (this is great - has saved me tons of time already :)):

* In the parameters pane, group "Left", "Top", "Right" and "Bottom" together.
* Option to present the data as "Width" and "Height" instead of "Right" and "Bottom".
* Updating the position values dynamically while a control is dragged with the mouse would be handy.
* Undo.

Keep up the good work!

Thanks for the suggestions, I'm working on it.

Some features are already done:
* For open HTML files in the default browser hold down the shift key while click the help item that you want to browse (NSIS help, NSIS official site, NSIS develop site, Forum).
* For avoid the splash screen pass /ns to the command line.


You know all the OS it works? I tried it on my computer and it doesn't work, using the Win 95.
I do my tests on Win98, Win2K and WinXp I don't have test it on Win95, Can you say me if you get an error message or what happen when you start the program?

Ok i love this editor it works great so keep up the great work

Originally posted by ranametal
* For open HTML files in the default browser hold down the shift key while click the help item that you want to browse (NSIS help, NSIS official site, NSIS develop site, Forum).
Would you be able to add a similar function to work when you press the 'F1' key.

Vytautas ;)