Archive: MakeLandID

makelangid is old and doesn't include all languages.
See details at:
(or other place)
I need to add support for Gaelic and there is no such language in your app. You should update it.

I've never heard about that language...

MakeLangID is very up-to-date. I have taken the defines directly from Microsoft latest header files. Gaelic doesn't seem to be supported by Windows. I can't select it anywhere in the Regional and Language Options control panel and it doesn't show on the header files (not by name or value).

I don't know very munch about Gaelic but it cames in two flavours: Irish Gaelic and Scottish Gaelic. M$ doesn't seam to include it into the default languages BUT it apears in the input languages list (keyboard). At the link included by me in the previous post you can find more languages and you can update it. I assume that NSIS will not autodetect t but if someoane choose it it will be able to use it.

PS. If Microsoft doen't support it, it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.

I don't see it in the input languages either. If Microsoft doesn't support it, it shouldn't be in MakeLangID. There is no reason to include it as NSIS is built for Windows which doesn't support that language. There are tons of languages that aren't supported by Microsoft, I am not going to include them all. If you want, you can always just use the number from that web-page. The number doesn't have to come from MakeLangID. It will never be auto detected but the user will be able to choose it.

Good ideea. Now i'm investigating some problems with MUI that use the Gaelic translation in some parts of the English one without any reason. I seams that could be related to the existense of the language files for some languages files.