Archive: Xp themes

Xp themes
Anyone know how i could have the installer switch a theme on xp ive seen it done before with a theme i downloaded not sure what type of installer it used thou


Try ExecShell'ing it.

isnt that the same as clicking on it cause if so then that wont work

Then you will have to check the XP Theme API (uxtheme.dll). Maybe there is an option.

well from everything ive read on MSDN and programming websites the uxtheme.dll is what you use to add theme support to your program not to change windows themes /styles

Actually i found some vbscript code to do this so is it possible to do this in a installer

set shell=createobject("") "C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\Luna.theme"
WScript.Sleep 1000
shell.sendkeys "{ENTER}"