Archive: 2 little problems

2 little problems
the CompletedText token seems to be the same for both the installer and uninstaller

i use "CompletedText "${NAME} ${VERSION} installed/uninstalled" wich is silly so it would be nice to have a un.CompletedText token or something

is there something like that and i missed it ?

and secondly
i use :

Function un.onUninstSuccess
MessageBox MB_OK "Installation sucesss"

Function .onInstSuccess
MessageBox MB_OK "UnInstallation sucesss"
and in case of the uninstaller the message box apears after i pressed the close button of the instfiles window
that is how i want it .. however in case of the installer the message box apears before i press the close button on the instfiles window

is there any way in wich i can get the uninstaller behaviour in the installer ?

You can use a variable in CompletedText for now and set that variable differently for the installer and the uninstaller.

The message box can show before you click the close button if you have set automatic closing on.