Archive: filling droplists

filling droplists
Hi all
I'm very new to nsis and have a question.
I need to create a custom page with a droplist. I need to dynamically fill the droplist when the installer executes depending on values found in the windows registry. My question is, How do I fill the droplist dynamically. I see how to fill it at compile time, but not at runtime.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

You will need to modify the ini file of the custom page before the page is displayed. You can do that in the .init function or in the leave function of the previous page.

Vytautas ;)

thanks for that, ok I've got that working, I'm still a bit confused on how I pass my selection in the droplist on when the user clicks Next.

Please disrgard my message asking about how to check the selected value in a droplist. I found the information.

Originally posted by nallan
thanks for that, ok I've got that working, I'm still a bit confused on how I pass my selection in the droplist on when the user clicks Next.

could you please let me know about how to use a selection the user has in the droplist in order to alter the final install? thanks for the help