Archive: Reboot Message after Uninstall?

Reboot Message after Uninstall?
I may be missing something obvious, but I don't see how I can advise the user to reboot the machine so as to complete the uninstall process. Of course, I could simply put the text of a message to that effect on the uninst confirm page, but I would rather that the user see the message only if delete sets the reboot flag.

Any advice?


Use IfRebootFlag.

I can see how to use IfRebootFlag to show a dialog with my reboot message, but is there a way to offer the RebootNow/Reboot later message on the finish page of the uninstaller (as is possible on the finish page of the installer)?


Also I am a little confused about the sequence of pages in the uninstaller. I have this:


and this:

Function un.myLeaveUnInstPage
IfFileExists "${SYSDIR}\${SHORT_PRODUCT_NAME}.dll" ShowRebootMessage done
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "To complete the ${PRODUCT} uninstall process,$\n$\r\
Please reboot this machine."

And this works fine except that the messagebox show up before I click on the finish button of the final uninstaller page. I don't see how this could happen unless there is an undocumented uninstaller page (MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH). If there is such a page, could I (somehow) show the reboot now/reboot later messages on it?


You have to use the un.onUninstSuccess.

Support for an uninstaller finish page will be added soon.

OK, thanks.

Uninstall finish page support added to 1.67
