Archive: development snapshot Ssytem.nsh contains typo

development snapshot Ssytem.nsh contains typo
I've downloaded the development build on 23/11/2003-10.21 (GMT +1).
I found a typo in the file ${NSISDIR}\Contrib\Modern UI\System.nsh that prevents the file Examples/makensis.nsi to be correctly compiled.

The affected section is on lines 46-48:

!define MUI_UI_SMALLDESC "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs\modern_smalldesc.exe"

that should be changed to:

!define MUI_UI_SMALLDESCRIPTION "${NSISDIR}\Contrib\UIs\modern_smalldesc.exe"


also onuserabort is not working anymore on modern ui

About that UI: Yes there is a typo, but the correction is not right. Fixed.

About the function: You should always use a custom function now