Archive: modify directory pemissions

modify directory pemissions
i have also one topic on directory permissions and it's not a good topic for my problem.
i have a access's product.
In my install before to copy file in installdir i want to modify the permissions of my destination folder(installdir), i want the right "modify" for users authenticated. and after i copy my files. Normally my files go inherited permissions of folder parent.
how to modify this permission in installation.
thanks for your help

You can use the AccessControl plug-in:

i saw this plugin but i did not know if it 's good for directory.
ok thanks i try to use this

it's goods thanks for your help kichik.
only one question, i have used (S-1-5-32-545) because (BU) don't function. what's the sid for authenticated users and find this sid.

sorry i forgot words :
what's the sid for authenticated users and how find sid and their signification?

(S-1-5-32-545) is the SID for authenticated users according to that page. To find out other SIDs you'd probably have to search MSDN.

This page seems to have a short list of SIDs. So does this one.

I inserted this line after installing my files in the setup.
AccessControl::GrantOnFile \ "$INSTDIR" "(S-1-1-0)" "FullAccess"

It gives "Bad permission flags ((S-1-1-0))". If I change it to authenticated users, the message still pops up.

I want to change the ownership of the installation folder, so that the files inside it inherit the folder's options and become modifiable to users. Otherwise they become unmodifiable for users.

Besides, I need to do it on NT4. I know it says it works on 2000 and higher on the page of the plugin, but isn't there some other method to do it?

I'll be happy if somebody helps...

If I recall correctly, conversion of strings to real SIDs is exactly what's missing in NT4. Until someone updates the plug-in, you can use a program such as SetACL.