Archive: Right Mouse (all files) "Make FOLDERNAME.DAT"

Right Mouse (all files) "Make FOLDERNAME.DAT"

How can I include in the Installer that:

all files or folders include in mouse riht click.

Click folder test > right mouse "Make test.dat" Open Program.exe Files

Click folder gerly > right mouse "Make gerly.dat" Open Program.exe gerly /w

And uninstall this.

Thank you

To make the display string dynamic you must write a shell extension. See The Complete Idiot's Guide to Writing Shell Extensions for more information. If you can settle for a static display string see Examples\makensis.nsi for an example (Compile NSI for .nsi files).


Thank you for your mail.

The NSI Example I know bud the test do not change it.

I need the test must be change.
Need I my language or only NSIS for it?

If you need the display to change you must create a shell extension, as far as I know. See the link above for more information about creating shll extensions.