Archive: HelpTelephone value?

HelpTelephone value?
I've been playing with the Uninstall info registry settings. For the most part they work awesomely :) ... but for the life of me I can't get the HelpTelephone setting to show a telephone number in the support options dialog. I'm setting

WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${PRODUCT_NAME}" "HelpTelephone" "1-800-xxx-xxx"

... to no avail. I'm testing my install on a WindowsXP Pro box.

Has anyone else experienced this?


It doesn't seem to work for any other uninstaller. Seems like it's not supported in Windows XP :igor:

Hmmm... so someone have to test ALL of them, because when I said about some strings that can be in Add/Remove for each program (i.e. "HelpTelephone"), I have examinated my Add/Remove Registry Key in registry for some additions to a Archive page of Joost (old times; when I had a Win 98...).

[EDIT] These ones below was from my old post, was to add more strings to customize Add/Remove Programs Program Uninstall:

AuthorizedCDFPrefix "?" - (can be the cd prefix)
Comments "Text" - The comments of your program
Contact "?" - (can be the the support site)
DWORD EstimatedSize "SizeInBytes" - Size Estimated in Bytes
InstallDate "YYYYMMDD" - Date when you installed the program (i.e. 20030613)
Language "$LANGUAGE" - Language ID Number (i.e. 1033)
Readme "Location\file.ext" - Location that is located the Readme
RegOwner "UserName" - User name that owned the product
Size "SizeInBytes" - Size in bytes

Someone, please, examine them all to fix this problem at once.

Some of these values are probably settings of applications / installers, not values that can displayed by Windows.

Yes, it is why I'm complaining everyone who have Win XP to test (I never had a Win XP), to fix this issue.

But maybe the HelpTelephone should work, is not used by the installer anytime (you don't need to call the phone number in installation). The WinXP have to be better (like all OS aren't perfect).