Archive: Next Release?

Next Release?
You will probably curse me for asking this question but I must ask. When will 2.4 be out? I noticed that there will be somee large differences. I am asking because, on Nov. 7th, I will no longer have internet access for atleast 2-3 months. During that time I would like to upgrade my installer.


Current CVS version is already what's 2.0b4 should be. We are STILL waiting for some translations :(

Ahh, but the CVS version requires me to compile it, correct? If so, I can't. I don't have access to a compiler. :/

Nope, there is a compiled version in CVS.

Sweet. Thanks Kichik. :)

Is there one 'big' download of everything? All documentation and user contributed items? Or will I have to download each individually?

I only saw the individual items.

try NSIS\Bin\NSISUpdate.exe

You can get a development snapshot at

All documentation and user contributed items
He said about plugins, functions and all user contributed items. These aren't in one package (except the most useful ones), so will have to get them individually.

I think he means the Docs and Contrib folders. Of course there are more items available in the archive.

I was speaking of everything. Like the entire Archive. I don't exactly have a lot of time to go through each item and determine if it'll be useful or not. So I figured I should just get everything. But from what people are saying, it looks like i'll have to do them all individually.

Yes, like me.