Archive: NSISdl using cURL??

NSISdl using cURL??
Sort of weird, but I'm looking for one of two things:

When using the "standard" NSISdl plugin you get that lovely downloading page where it shows you (with a progress bar and text) how the download is coming along.

Unfortunately, because you have to call cURL using Exec (or ExecWait, as the case may be), you end up with a cmd-like screen that shows the cURL progress -- for someone not acquainted with things that might be startling to see. So here are a few questions:

1) Is it somehow possible to (at least) hide the "cmd screen" from the user and update the progress using funky showdetails calls and comparing local to remote filesize?

2) a slightly better version would have an NSISdl-like progress bar

3) the best version would be an NSISdl that used cURL source (or parts of it) to allow NSISdl to then use resume, FTP, ssh, etc.

Crazy huh? :eek:

To hide the displayed DOS Box you should use 'nsExec' function although I am not sure how you would display the progress. I did see a thread about displaying the progress from nsExec a few weeks ago so it might be wise to search the forum and see if that helps you out.
