12th November 2003 18:03 UTC
generating multiple setup.exe's
Looking for a way to have one script generate multiple setup.exe's. Each setup.exe would be different based on several defines within the script. The intent is to run a single script that will cause several different setups to be created. Each setup is geared towards a specific customer. I currently have to change some defines in a script and run it multiple times. Does anyone know how to do this in one shot.
12th November 2003 18:14 UTC
You can't create several installers by compiling one script but you can compile the same script several times and produce several installers. A batch file would probably work best. Use something like:
makensis "/DNAME=Product A for customer B" /DUSE_UPX /DINCLUDE_COMPONENT_XYZ
makensis "/DNAME=Product T for customer J" /DDONT_ASK_FOR_DIR
makensis "/DNAME=Product V for customer X" /DSILENT /DINCLUDE_COMPONENT_ABC
You can also create a header file which you will include in more than one script using !include. The scripts will define some things, add some stuff of their own and create a separate installer based on the included basic script.
13th November 2003 01:15 UTC
Thank you...