Archive: noob help. tons 'o' errors

noob help. tons 'o' errors
im having some major trouble here. im using a combination of the NSIS compiler and the NIS editor program to do this. they are both latest versions as i just downloaded both yesterday. but when i go to hit compile in the editor i get too many errors. i used the wizrd in the editor to do the whole thing. i have my script attached.

That script is not build for the latest CVS version of NSIS. It's for b3.

so.....what am i supposed to do?

Depends on what you want... You can get an editor that generates scripts for the version you are using or get the version that matches the script. Getting a newer editor would of course be a better idea.

as long as the newer editor includes a wizard. cz im sure id make a mess of things if i tried to write it out from scratch.

Then get one that does :)

I think both HM NIS Edit and Venis are updated to NSIS 2.0b4. I don't know about the rest.

thats what i meant. i used HM NIS edit to make that script. and i downloaded both it and NSIS last night so they should be up to date. and i tried to compile directly from HM NIS.

You must have downloaded HM NIS Edit from an old website. Get it from:

And get latest NSIS from:

ok. i have version 2.0b4 of the HM NIS editor. im getting the rc2 of NSIS now. hope that helps.

also, can you explain how i can get the installer to install the latest visual basic runtime files? cuz that is the main reason for making this installer. the main program its installing is made in vb6 and people are complaining that the zipped version up for download doesnt work right. and this is caused by not having the correct runtime files.

nope. no good. still the same error's. this is starting to serisously bug me.

EDIT2: well, i tried using the classic mode and not modern and it works fine. whats up with that? now my problem is getting the program zipped up into the installer.

Well, then HM NIS Edit must not yet support the latest version of NSIS 2.0b4. I'm sure the author will update it soon.

For now, you can either read the Modern UI readme and fix the script, or write it yourself according to the examples and the readme.

You can find a script that installs VB6 runtimes in Appendix C of your documentation.

To get the program "zipped up" into the installer, simply use the File instruction.

ok. thx. ill wait for the update to HM NIS. until then ill see what i can do with the classic mode and try to get a working installer to test with that method.

What sort of errors do you get when using HM NIS generated installer, cos it works fine for me.


first off it gives me erros with the page command thingies. searching the forums i found a solution which worked. i juct changed PAGE to PAGECOMMAND. after that i get an error in the uninstall section saying that uninstall functions should start with un. and install functions shouldnt. thats where i ended up.

Are you sure that you have the latest version of NSIS. PAGECOMMAND is not valid in the new versions of NSIS and PAGE command should be used.
