Archive: Help with some code...

Help with some code...
Ok, I've searched a little but I dont really know much more than the basics when it comes to programming. pop and push dont make any sense to me - sorry.

This is what I'm trying to do in pseudocode

set intCounter 0

Check RegkeyClient. If exist set intCounter = IntCounter + 1
Check RegkeyServer. If exist set intCounter = IntCounter + 2

If intCounter == 3 then
popup msg box asking if you want Server or Client
If BoxClicked = Server then set intCounter 2
If BixClicked = Client then set intCounter 1

If intCounter == 2 then ReadRegStr $INSTDIR regKeyServer
If intCounter == 1 then ReadRegStr $INSTDIR regKeyClient

If anyone could point me in the right directions it'll be appreciated.

You don't need push and pop here. All you need is StrCpy (to set variables), ClearErrors, ReadRegStr, IfErrors, StrCmp or IntCmp, MessageBox and Goto. Use GetWindowsVersion as an example.

Thanks for the replies.

I've coded what seems like a good solution to me.
Does it seem too long winded?
One thing I wish is that I could change the text in the buttons without having to get a plugin.

Hopefully it'll help someone else.

You should not need a plugin to change the texts of NSIS buttons, there are several defines that do that. Which button texts do you wish to change?


The message box buttons - from yes/no to custom ones

If you were talking about the message boxes generated by 'MessageBox' command and none of the standard buttons are acceptible, e.g. OK Cancel, then you will need to use a plugin as these are windows message boxes and not NSIS ones.

Sorry for any confusion.

Vytautas :)