Archive: auto choose sections depending on GetWindowsVersion

auto choose sections depending on GetWindowsVersion

Im quite new with the NSIS Installer and now I have my first breakdown with its use.
Im trying to seperate the Installing Process for different WindowsVersions with the GetWindowsVersion Function posted on

I tryed lots of ways to make an exception for Windows XP before I start one of my Sections but I wasnt able to get the result i need.

here s my last tryout:
;GetWindowsVersion copies the result into

Section "cFos DSL Treiber" DSLTreiber
SectionIn 1 3 4
; StrCmp $6 "${MUI_OSVERSION}" jump_over_cFos gehweg
; StrCmp $6 "${MUI_OSVERSION}" jump_over_cFos gehweg
MessageBox MB_OK "in cFos $8"
StrCmp $8 'Windows XP' +1 +2 ; jump_over_cFos
Goto +9
; StrCmp $8 'Windows 2003' jump_over_cFos 0
# CD Version
SetOutPath "$EXEDIR"
; ExecWait "$EXEDIR\cFos\cFos.exe"
ExecShell "$EXEDIR\cFos\cFos.exe -nogroup - q -s -noreboot" SW_SHOWMINIMIZED
SetOutPath "$INSTDIR"

Im Useing NSIS 2 beta 3 and the last way i tried crashed the HM NIS Editor to crash ...

Thanks a lot for any help
and sorry for bad english