instfiles help
The problem I am having is that when the instfiles page displays the text for each section install, it displays ExecWait '$SYSDIR\flashinstaller.exe'. I want it to display something like "Installing Macromedia Flash 7 ......." instead.
This is probably an easy fix. Here is the section code I created:
Section "Macromedia Flash 7"
${IF} $SOFTFLASH < "6"
DetailPrint "Installing Macromedia Flash 7 ......."
Call PreInstallFlash
DetailPrint "Installed Macromedia Flash 7 Successfully"
Sleep 1000
Here is the function code:
Function PreInstallFlash
SetOutPath $SYSDIR
File "flashinstaller.exe"
ExecWait '$SYSDIR\flashinstaller.exe' $ERRCODE