Archive: How to get 'Required'

How to get 'Required'
How do you get this in your installer, > see attachment. (that this part of the instalation is required)

I hope somebody can tell me.


Section "Section Name (required"
SectionIn RO

Thank you very much!!



How to disable editing this part in a ini file > see image.

I hope somebody kows how

If some body know a guide for ini files (tags) please tell me.




in the INI file.

A tutorial:

Another Question:

Is it possible that the 'spaces' in a laber automaticly will be convert to underscores?

Please tell me!


One of these should do the trick:,11

Again another question:

I have a checkbox in my instaloption page.
I want that when your enable this checkbox a messagebox appears (imediatly)

How to do this?

I hope somebody knows.


You can't do this without changing the source code of InstallOptions. You can only show the message box when the user clicks next (on the leave function check if it's selected and show the message box).

2 Questions
Ive have 2 more questions:

1st: Can you give me the code for the messagebox, i tried it myself with the example. But then the message box appears when installing. Not when clicking next.

2nd: I use ReanINIStr $Rx
And i used all numbers ($R1 t $R9)
But i need more numbers($R10. $R11.), this isnt possible, do you know how i can use more?


You can add extra variables using the 'var varname' command, available in NSIS 2b4 and 2b5(CVS).

Are you sure that you put the messagebox code in the leave function of your custom page and not in a section or something similar?


Yes im sure,
that when you check the checkbox (only one checkbox) a message box appears when you click next.

I hope this is possible,


Could you post the relevant bits of your script, the page definitions and the pre function for your custom page, so I can check them out.


My Script
Here is my script (postiing the whole script would be simpler)

I want that when the checkbox in ioB.ini is checked a messages box appears when you click next.

There is another thing, i triend to put this in my script:

Call GetEXEName
Pop $R0 ;full installer exe file name

Function GetEXEName
Push $R0
Push $R1
Push $R2
StrCpy $R0 $CMDLINE -2
StrLen $R2 $R0
IntOp $R2 $R2 - 1
StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" -$R2
StrCpy $R2 0
IntOp $R2 $R2 - 1
StrCpy $R1 $R0 1 $R2
StrCmp $R1 "" Exit
StrCmp $R1 "\" 0 Loop
IntOp $R2 $R2 + 1
StrCpy $R0 $R0 "" $R2
Pop $R2
Pop $R1
Exch $R0

I was wondering if you could put this code in my script + callEXEname! because i coulndt get that part fixed.
(its for placing a copy to the selected dir in ioB.ini)

I hope you can take a look at it.


OK, I could not do a test run because you are using an old version of NSIS :(, but these changes should make your script work.

First change your definition of Custom Page B to this

Page custom CustomPageB LeavePageB
Then add this function to your script
Function LeavePageB
ReadINIStr $R3 "$PLUGINSDIR\ioB.ini" "Field 6" "State"
IntCmp $R3 0 0 CheckEnabled
MessageBox MB_OK "Disabled"
As for the other function just add it to your script then add this code to you installer section after you read the info out of ioB.ini
  Call GetEXEName
Pop $5 ;full installer exe file name
CopyFiles /silent $5 $R2
Vytautas ;)

Thanx, but is it possible that the message box only appears when the check box is checked?

And i tried to fix the copy to script but it doesnt seem to work.

Please take a look at it

Thanx, Sebas

To make it show when the checkbox is checked replace:

IntCmp $R3 0 0 CheckEnabled


IntCmp $R3 1 0 CheckEnabled

Last question
Thanx guys, it think this will be my final question.

Why isnt my instalation file copied to the selected dir?

I have done what is told above

(the long code for coping the instalation file itself to a folder)


As GetEXEName only returns the executable name you should use:

CopyFiles /silent $EXEDIR\$5 $INSTDIR

Note that GetEXEName won't give you the full path and extension if your application is executed using the command line.

Using the other method is recommended.