Archive: Nsis source help: StrCpy

Nsis source help: StrCpy
Hi Nsis DEVs.... need a favor:
Where can I find the source code for the Nsis' instruction StrCpy

Source\exehead\exec.c; look for "case EW_ASSIGNVAR:"

Thanks :)

Hi, need another favor :D
Where's the source code for GetDLLVersion and IfFileExists...
Thanks! :)

search for EW_GETDLLVERSION and EW_IFFILEEXISTS inside Source\ExeHead\Exec.c

For reference; to find the source code of any run-time instruction:[list=1][*]Find the name of the instruction in Source\tokens.cpp[*]On the same line will be a value starting TOK_[*]Find "case TOK_whatever" in Source\script.cpp[*]Within that case statement there will be a reference to a value that starts with EW_[*]Find "case EW_whatever" in Source\exehead\exec.c[/list=1]

Thanks :)