Archive: Update text file at compile time?

Update text file at compile time?
Is it possible to write a plugin or some such, that will update a text file at compile time?

In my case I would like to update the readme.txt and license agreement file with the version of the product (which is changed with every build). It is a pain to have to edit each file manually each time (and I usually forget!)



You will need to write a simple installer or another program that will modify these files when launched. The you can run this file at compile time usyng the !system command.


You will need to write a simple installer or another program that will modify these files when launched. The you can run this file at compile time usyng the !system command.
Does !system allow me to call an external file with a parameter? From the help file it doesn't appear so.

Ideally I would like to call it with the ${MUI_VERSION} (or something similar) and have it write that value into the text files.



Sure, you can give it as many parameters as you want. For example:

!system "echo ${MUI_VERSION} >> license.txt"
!system "updateLicense.exe ${MUI_VERSION} ${MUI_PRODUCTNAME} /NOW"

