Archive: A shortcut with 2 parameters

A shortcut with 2 parameters
Please Help ME!!!

I want a shortcut with two parameters. Does anyone know how to do that???

I tried several things but it dont work!!!1

Thank you.

Greetz Menno

The following code should help you

CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Test.lnk" "$INSTDIR\test.exe" "/para1 /para2" "$INSTDIR\icon2.exe" 0
The last '0' is the icon index. and as can be seen you can have as many parametes in the second set of "" as you wish. ;)


I must get a command line like this:
"c:\whatever\myprog.exe" "c:\somethingelse\" "c:\anotherparameter\"

How to do this?

Thank you in advance.

Try this code

CreateShortcut "c:\whatever\myprog.exe" '"c:\somethingelse\" "c:\anotherparameter\"'
Vytautas ;)