Archive: Modern UI settings fonts and font sizes

Modern UI settings fonts and font sizes
Is there any way to set the font and size of MUI_PAGE_HEADER_TEXT or MUI_PAGE_SUBHEADER_TEXT without going through using GetDlgItem, CreateFont, etc. Perhaps there is a Modern UI macro I don't know about for doing this?

You will have to use a custom GUIINIT function. If you want to change control sizes, create a customized interface resource file.

It looks like the onGuiInit will work for what I want to do however when I try to use it in my script it says onGuiInit is already declared when I know it isn't because I can do a text search through the script and find no reference of "onGuiInit". Would it be possible that these items might be declared in one of the include files I'm using? Seems unlikely as I only have string tables and constants in those files.

The MUI uses .onGUIInit just like it uses the callback functions of the pages. Define MUI_CUSTOMFUNCTION_GUIINIT <function name> to declare your own .onGUIInit. It will simply be called from the MUI's .onGUIInit after the MUI does its stuff.

Once again you guys have solved my problems. Thanks.