Archive: Password?

How can i make a password check?

See Contrib\InstallOptions\test.nsi. It demonstrates how to keep the user in the same custom page until s/he checked at least one check box. You can use the same method but with a password comparison instead of checking for the check boxes.

Well, i have read it i searched the forum and found that out.
But i don't understand anything really, i just want a little edit box that when you click next tests if pass is equal to "passw0rd" and closes the installer if wrong or goes to next page if equal...

InstallOptions lets you create custom pages with some controls. Among others, it allows you to add a password control. You can create such a page with a password control as the first page. You can lock your installer by not allowing the user to leave that page until the password is correct.

Well i found this:

Processed 1 file, writing output:
Adding plug-ins initializing function... setting uninstall mode to true
Error: resolving pre-page function function "SetCustom" in pages
Note: uninstall functions must begin with "un.", and install functions must not
Error - aborting creation process

I wan't for the ModernUI

Are you sure you have copied the entire script and haven't skipped the SetCustom function definition?

Well well can't delete this but now works!

Error in compile, part 2
Error: resolving leave-page function ": User name and password" in install pages
Note: uninstall functions must begin with "un.", and install functions must not
Error - aborting creation process

What's that?

The order of your parameters is wrong. You have put the page caption on the place of the leave function.

Maybe you could help me what i should move:

It was exactly in that order in my working b3 version...
I have tried several things but it still won't work

The leave function has been introduced in beta 4. Release notes:

Custom Pages now have a leave function. As this parameter is placed before the caption you have to add another "" empty string for the title to work.
You might want to use the leave function to validate the password.