Archive: Customizing MUI

Customizing MUI
Well I've tried to customize the MUI Pages for my's not going well - maybe I'm to dumb to understand the descriptions and Examples... Has anyone modified some MUI pages and has some examples with simple(is this the word?) comments?

Sorry for my bad english... maybe a German Member can help me :D

specified changes
Well I think it would be usefull to specify what I want to modify to get help:

1.: The Header of all the Dialogs, especially the Image
(^^I've seen some descriptions, but I didn't worked well with them :cry:)

2.: I need a Dialog which asks the User for the Installed Database, like SQL, Oracle and so on, after choosing one of them the Value
should be written into a .ini-File :rolleyes:

3.: Well in fact I need two Setups - the first(ServerSetup) installs the Software on the Server, writes the Ini and copy the second(ClientSetup) on the Server. The ClientSetup runs directly from the Server and writes the Serverpath into the Inifile on the ClientPC

I don't know how to realize these things,
maybe it's in the Manual and I didn't see it... If you know it's in the manual please tell me:D

so long -L-B-

To change the header picture check the 'MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP' definition in the MUI Readme file.

For the dialog check out the InstallOptions Plugin, see both InstallOptions and MUI Readme files for hints. Also if you wish you can download HM NIS Editor as it has a built-in wizard for creating custom InstallOptions pages.

For the client all you have to do is include it in the server setup and when the client setup is executed simply write the $EXEDIR to the .ini file.

Vytautas :D

I should sleep more maybe then I can read the _whole_Manual

Well, the thing with the image works fine...
(even if I don't understand how to use a picture over 150x57 - whatever)

But the modification of MUI Dialogs is imho very tricky!
I tried the NIS Editor, but im not very happy with it - I've searched vor the "InstallOptions Plugin" as you said, but I didnt found it on sourceforge :cry: Do you know where I can get it

else the Dialogs have to wait... now I'll try the thing with the $EXEDIR

Thanks very much Vytautas

so long -L-B-

InstallOptions is in Contrib\InstallOptions. That folder contains some examples. Some examples in the Examples folder use InstallOptions too.

Ok, I think the Example NSIS\Contrib\InstallOptions\test.nsi
is very useful for me, but now I have the problem that I don't know how to use this or a similiar script with the Modern UI...

so long -L-B-

Have you tried the 'Examples\Modern UI\InstallOptions.nsi' example as it shows how to use IO with MUI.


yeah I tried it, but I didn't understand this very well...

I'm missing more descriptions and comments in the scripts...

maybe I have just to learn more about NSIS, to understand it


so long -L-B-

Another stupid question
Yeah I have another stupid question:

what about creating a direct shortcut to a File on the Server? I have my Installer on the Server and call it from there, now I want to add a startmenue shortcut to a file in the same directory of the Server. here is the line of code I use:

CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\Serverfile.lnk" "$EXEDIR\File.exe" "" "$EXEDIR\File.exe" 0

I thought it would work, but I receive an error that the shortcut can't be created...:(

so long -L-B-

Can you create shortcuts to other paths in the same place?

I've tried it... it doesn't work with an other path, too...

I've also tried to run the setup on my own PC - not on the Server - same shit... different machine

I think I'll kill the Script and start new... maybe then I can find the error

Can you manually create shortcuts in SMPROGRAMS? Maybe you somehow don't have permission to write there.

My other setup can write into that directory...maybe I have a Syntax error in the Script...

I'll check this and post another reply

Yeah I tried it several times and now I solved the problem!

Ok...but now:

What about creating a shortcut using exedir, but 1 folder above? I'll try to explain what I mean:

If the Setup is executet in folder "C:\Setup Folder\Setup file" - how can I create a shortcut to a file in "C:\Setup Folder"

The folders are just an example!!!

Thanks a lot

Check out this archive page.

Vytautas :D

*g* thanks Vytautas

Any idea what I should do without your help? :D

---works great!